Schijndel uit de kunst 2024

Van 20 april tot 2 juni hangen er in heel schijndel kunstwerken in de etalages. Zo ook een van mijn schilderijen, bij IT-OK.

The holy art gallery exposition London and Athens

one of my paintings will be featured in ArtOnALoop @theholyartgallery in both London and Athens from April 12th to April 21st 2024!admission is free and there is a free winebar as well! Tickets below!


@bruceykanji shot by @dariaseninthe sweetest baddest boss out there! picture of the painting by @john_heesakkers

The Noel clan

@deyvron_noel @rochka_noel @rubix_criminalz @thancrimi10 picture of the painting by @john_heesakkers

Contemplation Laurent

a little experiment that turned out kinda nice I think.I was going for 2 things. you know those black papers that you can scratch on and the colors come out from underneath? and the second was a feeling of bewilderment, like something doesn’t add up. you know the feeling you get when they are dancing…

Best hug

commissioned painting. @genio_e_sregolatezza got to meet her heroes in Rotterdam this year. @radnaplomp took this beautiful picture of Larrys big hug. picture of the painting by @john_heesakkers